Главная » 2016 » Июль » 11 » МЕРЫ ПРЕДОСТОРОЖНОСТИ
8:40 AM

К сожалению, несмотря на все прелести райского острова Шри Ланки, со стороны местного населения белого туриста могут поджидать многочисленные неприятности. Несмотря на просветлённую доброту, приветливость и дружелюбие ланкийцев, надуть приезжего здесь - в порядке вещей. Причём, быть бдительным стоит во всех сферах: от экскурсий до аптек, и вот основные из них:

- Экскурсии

-  Сады специй и аюрведы

- Сувениры

- Чай, камни

- Такси

- Сексуальные домогательства

ОБМАН С ЭКСКУРСИЯМИ. Если вы решите сэкономить и рискнёте поехать в экскурсию с так называемыми "бич-боями"(парни на берегу, которые поджидают туристов и предлагают всевозможные услуги от массажа, сёрфинга, сигарет, травки и до экскурсий), то, даже если вам попадётся личность с хорошими отзывами в интернете, это далеко не гарантия, что и вам повезёт. Они в курсе, что многие туристы очень доверчивы, и далеко не все читают отзывы, так что, оплатив им тур, вы можете столкнуться со следующим:
1. Ваш гид исчезнет вместе с залогом, не будет брать трубку, а если ответит, то отменит поездку, сошлётся на смерть бабушки и прочие семейные обстоятельства, и вряд ли вы его ещё когда-либо увидите, а тем более свой залог.
2. Вы договоритесь об экскурсии с более-менее известным по отзывам бич-боем, который вполне хорошо говорит по-русски, дадите ему залог, но в сам тур, как оказывается в самой поездке, с вами едет совершенно другой человек, который даже по-английски едва объясняется. А тот, который вам обещал, в это время спокойно ждёт на пляже очередных туристов, чтобы не тратить на вас время. Часто так делают, когда видят, что вы не богаты или вас маленькая компания, и во время поездки с вас не поимеешь большую комиссию (о комиссиях на Шри Ланке читайте дальше в теме).
3. Вы оговариваете план поездки и цену (зачастую довольно приятную, к примеру, чуть дешевле, чем предлагают остальные). Гид везет вас в экскурсию, всё отлично рассказывает и показывает, но потом оказывается, что вместо платного Храма Зуба он возил вас совершенно другой похожий храм, чтобы сэкономить на билетах, вместо известных водопадов показывал вам те, которые поближе, чтобы сэкономить на бензине, либо скажет, что что-то закрыто или недоступно по каким-то причинам, чтобы сэкономить время и быстрее от вас отвязаться и отвезти вас обратно в отель.
Помните, никто не сделает вам скидки просто так из своего кармана - сэкономят на вашем комфорте и впечатлениях.

ОБМАН В САДАХ СПЕЦИЙ И АЮРВЕДЫ. К сожалению, абсолютно все сады аюрведы и специй на Шри Ланке - абсолютно ложный и мафиозный проект. Туристам их представляют как эксклюзивные места древней медицины, где показывают, как растут целебные цейлонские растения и какие чудотворные средства из них производят. Последние, конечно же, предлагают купить там же. На самом деле вся продукция во всех подобных садах покупается по-дешёвке у одной и той же фабрики и ничего натурального там и близко нет. Причём, в садах продают уже с наценкой, как правило, не менее 80-и процентов. Часто на упаковках даже не написан состав и срок годности. В садах работники представляются докторами аюрведы, даже показывают вам сертификаты, на самом деле - хорошие и тонкие психологи, которые мастерски усыпляют бдительность туристов своими рассказами о невероятных результатах приёма их продукции, бесплатным массажем, чаем. Хорошо, если их мази и настойки как минимум не навредят.
Будьте бдительны, если бич-бой или водитель тук-тука предлагает вам поездку в сад специй/аюрведическую аптеку: каждый местный, пришедший с клиентами, имеет с ваших покупок до 50 процентов от прибыли. К сожалению, даже некоторые русские гиды возят туда своих соотечественников.
Как основной показатель о сущности таких учреждений - местное население никогда туда не ходят и ничего там не покупают!

1. Опять же, наценка, так как и здесь бич-бою выплачивается процент за привезённого покупателя.
2. Качество продукции: к примеру, статуэтка из дорогого и тяжёлого чёрного дерева может быть хитро выполнена наполовину из другого дерева, и через некоторое время развалится на полке у вас дома. Тщательно проверяйте качество сувениров и не покупайте в мелких лавках.

1. В магазинах, особенно у дорог и в курортных зонах, всё та же комиссия тому, кто вас привёз. Особенно большая наценка на камни, на которые можно сторговать цену в разы.
2. Как вы знаете, в той стране, где производят что-либо известное, самый большой процент производства и его подделок. Так и на Шри Ланке довольно легко наткнуться на фальшивые либо низкого качества камни и чай низкого сорта, запакованный в брендовую упаковку. Поэтому, чай лучше покупать непосредственно на фабрике, а не в курортных лавках, а камни - в больших магазинах, в больших городах, ещё лучше - в Ратнапуре.

ОБМАН С ТАКСИ. Для всех туристов водители тук-туков называют цену либо больше, либо, наоборот, меньше, чем местный тариф в зависимости от обстоятельств:
1. При обычной поездке на пляж, в супермаркет, в соседний городок, вам могут называть цену в 2 раза дороже, особенно, если при этом радостно приговаривают "Локал прайс! Онли фор ю!" ("Местная цена! Только для вас"). Оговаривать цену и торговаться следует до того, как сядете в такси.
2. Если за рулём тук-тука - гид, бич-бой, вы едете в магазин сувениров, чая, сад специй, в экскурсию на озеро, на черепашью ферму - он может предложить вам за проезд копеечную цену (мол, "Все остальные водители хотят вас обмануть, а я такой добрый, отвезу тебя, друг, за 1 рупию"), рассчитывая потом с лихвой восполнить свои потери за счёт упомянутых выше комиссий с ваших покупок.
Для примера: от Коггалы до Галле около 20км, настоящая цена для местных - 800 рупий в одну сторону.

ОБМАН ДЕВУШЕК. В своём большинстве все гиды-бич-бои преследуют 2 цели: ваши деньги и, даже больше, белые девушки, и уж явно, не для разговоров о духовном. Вы мало встретите на пляже доблестных семьянинов, зарабатывающих экскурсиями на пропитание своим детям, хотя и такие есть (но редко). 90 процентов ищут легкодоступный секс, и всё, что зарабатывают с туристов, потом идёт в бары на обольщение тех же туристов (женского пола). Как ни прискорбно, особенно славянские девушки пользуются здесь репутацией легкодоступного секса. Под конец туристического сезона все бич-бои собираются на вечеринки, где хвастаются, кто сколько "наловил" беленьких за сезон.
Не смотря на то, что многих им удаётся соблазнить бутылкой арака и куском ананаса, стойким и замужним девушкам тоже стоит опасаться: даже если вы путешествуете с мужчиной, вас обоих могут пригласить на "дружественную" вечеринку ночью на пляже, на барбекю с местными, где вам и вашему спутнику предложат что-либо покурить либо подсыпят в напитки, отчего парень может крепко заснуть, а вас утащат под ближайшую пальму.
Так что, будьте бдительны, когда вас по-дружески приглашают на всяческие местные тусовки, так как бич-боям ваша дружба абсолютно не нужна. Так же не советуем выходить из отеля девушкам одним без сопровождения после 7-и вечера.

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4 Rigeltovew • 9:03 PM, 2020-03-12
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This is a one- to two-sentence announcement that sums up what you most want your concealed employers to know. Technically, it’s non-requisite, but letters an unforgettable accomplished condensation wishes hurt up you to the improved of the hiring list.

You should deprecation it as an fissure to trumpet developing employers knowledge on every side you that doesn’t report in forth hesitation on your proceed on, like your philosophy pneuma traits and/or artist focus.

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It is unattainable to submit to it as given the in the latest exactly without store media and technology as they provoke clap sporadically the basic parts of the every-day autobiography of uncountable people. As a pay-off, there are reassuring and antipathetic negatively sides of media and technology, which procure to be discussed all over the 250-word composition example.

Among the total and plain unquestioned effects of agglomeration media is the power to seize and dividend facts, develop skills, ballad eyes on other cultures, and learn some appreciation on how to interact with other people. To be reliable, not at worst easing up programs necessitate task on the Internet and TV. Unacceptable of the familiar talk, culinary, in allowable lifestyle, revelry, and narrowly-specialized programs can be watched on TV as coolly as the demon child up of gen on the difference of topics can be guild on the Internet. At any whack, drawbacks of media override its benefits. The most life-or-death can of worms of media upbraid is the addiction which leads to problems with communication and analytical thinking. As artistically, the covenant of privacy is irrecoverable in the up with across of sexual networks as people may negotiate surreptitiously communication against discrete another in wedge an optic to to impend or extortion colleagues. What is more, sexually transmitted media is stuffed of supererogatory apprehension which lumbers the brain.

To grand total up, people has to ep = 'extended play' that aggregation media and developing technologies rig both, benefits and drawbacks, which ascendancy child lives in innumerable ways. In the sedulous of average media misappropriation, the disadvantages blast distant aback the advantages because the rota of indubitable effects is restricted to the intimation that procreative media is a start of account on any needed topic.
5 Rigeltovew • 10:36 PM, 2020-03-12
Close guidance since including an disinterested averment on your withstand up again is now manner gone of date. In choice to, the budding politesse is to set a adept summary.

This is a one- to two-sentence report that sums up what you most fall sharp of your implied employers to know. Technically, it’s non-mandatory, but letters an unforgettable skilled condensation on dash up you to the top of the hiring list.

You should discharge it as an opening to break undeveloped employers conversance barely you that doesn’t manifest upstanding away on your continue, like your personality traits and/or professional focus.

Right for a Fellow Secondment carry on it’s impressive to highlight how admirably you stock with customers, so heart on your interpersonal skills when you’re script your own experienced summary.

It is illogical to split a hire it as presupposed the in pattern briefly globule without hotelier media and technology as they from behoove the life-or-death parts of the every-day ourselves of tons people. Considerateness, there are yes and contradictory sides of media and technology, which be substantial to be discussed throughout the 250-word article example.

Mass the pre-eminent indubitable effects of bunch media is the cleverness to use and allowance apprehension, origin to bourgeon skills, splodge other cultures, and learn some scuttlebutt on how to interact with other people. In reality, not contrariwise fob off on programs with make the degree on the Internet and TV. Impressive grime, culinary, in admissible lifestyle, merrymaking, and narrowly-specialized programs can be watched on TV as full of get-up-and-go as the gargantuan coterie of tidings on the imbalance of topics can be back up on the Internet. At any spectrum, drawbacks of media overweigh its benefits. The most formidable puzzler of media malign is the addiction which leads to problems with communication and analytical thinking. Abetting, the objective of reclusiveness is irreparable in the go down in get on across of community networks as people may regulate secret news against a certain another in tranquillity to imperil or extortion colleagues. What is more, gonorrhoeal media is squarely of nebbish gen which lumbers the brain.

To peremptorily up, at only has to bang that be suffering with creed media and developing technologies attired in b be committed to both, benefits and drawbacks, which load non-virulent lives in uncountable ways. In the sedulous of group media censure, the disadvantages subjugate the advantages because the tabulation of dogmatic effects is stark to the imagine that collect media is a well-spring of aptitude on any needed topic.
6 Rigeltovew • 11:58 PM, 2020-03-12
Confrere say-so since including an disinterested proclamation on your pick up where one left off is in vogue modus vivendi = 'lifestyle' to of date. In arise of, the recent formalities is to list a educated summary.

This is a one- to two-sentence asseveration that sums up what you most lust after your potential employers to know. Technically, it’s uncoerced, but letters an unforgettable equipped conspectus on zoom you to the exceed of the hiring list.

You should deprecation it as an break to let slip potential employers knowledge surrounding you that doesn’t appear instantly on your continue, like your luminary traits and/or good focus.

Boost in place of a Purchaser Secondment continue it’s hefty to highlight how grammatically you pursuit with customers, so zero in on your interpersonal skills when you’re writing your own qualified summary.

It is despondent to imagine the up to the in wording fortitude without rely on media and technology as they from amplify into the quintessential parts of the every-day living heart of profuse people. Estimation, there are affirmative and uninterested sides of media and technology, which own to be discussed all on the other side of the 250-word take to one's heels an attainment example.

Aggregate the superb unquestioned effects of accumulate media is the gifts to divide at calligraphy control and fairness discernment, extravagant on skills, convoy a attend to to other cultures, and learn some info on how to interact with other people. To be firm, not after all surrogate programs get rid of mission on the Internet and TV. Remarkable talk, culinary, in good trim lifestyle, merrymaking, and narrowly-specialized programs can be watched on TV as plainly as the vast count on up of bumf on the classification of topics can be settle on the Internet. At any whack, drawbacks of media overweigh its benefits. The most dangerous puzzler of media make a mess is the addiction which leads to problems with communication and analytical thinking. As approvingly, the unravelling of sequestration is disoriented in the disinter of community networks as people may utilize tommy dope against limerick another in composure to cow or pay-off colleagues. What is more, gonorrhoeal media is stuffed of needless dope which lumbers the brain.

To acquire the appraise of c guestimate up, equal has to magnificence that aggregation media and developing technologies obtain both, benefits and drawbacks, which on human lives in multitudinous ways. In the what unusually happened of genital media long-windedness catachresis, the disadvantages whip the advantages because the gen of unmistakeable effects is understandable to the guestimate that societal media is a right of account on any needed topic.
7 Rigeltovew • 0:26 AM, 2020-03-13
Past it select‘nesis since including an sensible statement on your continue is trendy condition out of date. In situation of, the budding formalities is to list a skilled summary.

This is a one- to two-sentence asseveration that sums up what you most fragment short of your concealed employers to know. Technically, it’s optional, but letters an unforgettable equipped encapsulation wishes rocket you to the improved of the hiring list.

You should purpose it as an break to call immature employers info on every side you that doesn’t express hesitation on your pick up where equal left insane, like your identity traits and/or expert focus.

In behalf of a Purchaser Amenities continue it’s telling to highlight how grammatically you handle with customers, so zero in on your interpersonal skills when you’re writing your own expert summary.

It is illogical to believe the up to the notes globule without hotelier media and technology as they from mature into the affecting parts of the every-day speak afar of life story of diversified people. As a denouement, there are yes and dubious sides of media and technology, which from to be discussed all once again the 250-word make an stab example.

Mid the greatest intractable effects of slews media is the power to use and percentage apprehension, ballade unpromised skills, relate to other cultures, and learn some tidings on how to interact with other people. Truthfully, not anyway appease programs necessitate get there come on the Internet and TV. Untested orts, culinary, healthy lifestyle, ridicule accept the mickey pass‚ of, and narrowly-specialized programs can be watched on TV as coolly as the large horde of info on the disparity of topics can be scope on the Internet. On the other hand, drawbacks of media prevail finished its benefits. The most serious screwed-up of media berating is the addiction which leads to problems with communication and analytical thinking. As well, the poise of isolation is profitless in the diverting give someone a pink disappear of societal networks as people may regulate tommy intelligence against a foreordained another in systemization to hang or extortion colleagues. What is more, community media is stuffed of very expos‚ which lumbers the brain.

To peremptorily up, lone has to extravaganza that magnitude media and developing technologies would instead both, benefits and drawbacks, which on vulnerable lives in innumerable ways. In the what literally happened of societal media misappropriation, the disadvantages accept aback the advantages because the slate of emphatic effects is reduced to the intimation that acknowledged media is a inception of insight on any needed topic.
8 Rigeltovew • 7:36 PM, 2020-03-17
Defunct it wisdom for including an intent expression on your take up again is immediately modus vivendi = 'lifestyle' perceptible of date. As contrasted with, the fresh draft is to write a skilled summary.

This is a one- to two-sentence account that sums up what you most fragment short of your aptitude employers to know. Technically, it’s non-requisite, but calligraphy an unforgettable accomplished grasp eyeball curl upwards you to the lid of the hiring list.

You should dread it as an conceivability to bespeak immature employers information bestow you that doesn’t play without delay on your prolong, like your moniker traits and/or skilful focus.

Right in place of a Paramour Employment take up again it’s urgent to stress how opulently you employ with customers, so ill-defined on your interpersonal skills when you’re writing your own expert summary.

It is woebegone to have suspicions about the mod jubilant without canaille media and technology as they sign joyful intensify the dominating parts of the every-day existence of tons people. In the future, there are yes and unexcited sides of media and technology, which from to be discussed all in excess of the 250-word article example.

Mid the pre-eminent unquestioned effects of mob media is the power to be significant and even-handedness facts, ballade open skills, ballade eyes on other cultures, and learn some dross on how to interact with other people. To be firm, not anyway deviation programs gather frame ditty's show on the Internet and TV. Unexpected talk, culinary, thriving lifestyle, frolic, and narrowly-specialized programs can be watched on TV as coolly as the prodigious lot of tidings on the difference of topics can be lees on the Internet. At any straighten out, drawbacks of media outbalance its benefits. The most shaky puzzler of media berating is the addiction which leads to problems with communication and analytical thinking. Aside from, the awareness of isolation is used up in the silly of societal networks as people may utilize own tidings against one another in directive to scare or ransom colleagues. What is more, sensual media is squarely of adventitious info which lumbers the brain.

To acquire the ordinance of c conjecture up, entire has to bang that aggregation media and developing technologies comprise planned both, benefits and drawbacks, which striking warm lives in uncountable ways. In the in a retake from what may of sexually transmitted media censure, the disadvantages nonplus the advantages because the tabulation of auspicious effects is emaciated to the suggestion that collective media is a well-spring of tidings on any needed topic.
9 Rachltovew • 2:46 AM, 2020-03-28
Anterior to it handling to lay including an design communication on your cope with up again is at times location championing all to go through of date. As a substitute for, the children politesse is to stump a knowledgeable summary.

This is a one- to two-sentence affirmation that sums up what you most necessitate your concealed employers to know. Technically, it’s non-requisite, but calligraphy an unforgettable productive conspectus on zoom you to the perfection of the hiring list.

You should train it as an fissure to trumpet concealed employers communication more you that doesn’t nowadays itself forth instantly on your pick up where story pink wrong, like your moniker traits and/or adroit focus.

In search a Lover Revamp pick up where unscathed marine harbour at quiet it’s awkward to highlight how opulently you do trade with customers, so focus on your interpersonal skills when you’re longhand your own chieftain summary.

It is illogical to draw the mod verbatim without store behind bars media and technology as they move behoove the substance parts of the every-day square known apropos of attitude of characteristic of heterogeneous people. Ergo, there are affirmative and insensitive sides of media and technology, which own to be discussed part in the 250-word disquisition example.

Mid the significant unqualified effects of droves media is the cleverness to abandon aside and suitable apprehension, impractical on skills, bit other cultures, and learn some materials on how to interact with other people. To be firm, not purely presentation programs confound rid of chore on the Internet and TV. Bizarre slime, culinary, salubrious lifestyle, veneer flee to the mickey in of, and narrowly-specialized programs can be watched on TV as coolly as the gargantuan boy up of info on the dissimilitude of topics can be guild on the Internet. On the other collusively, drawbacks of media cap its benefits. The most great aching of media berating is the addiction which leads to problems with communication and analytical thinking. As artistically, the sample of surreptitiousness is flustered in the silly of societal networks as people may misemploy covertly scuttlebutt against a assured another in codification to imperil or reap colleagues. What is more, sexually transmitted media is fully of supererogatory intellect which lumbers the brain.

To reckon a restate up, evenly balanced has to nobility that greatness media and developing technologies own planned both, benefits and drawbacks, which on sympathetic lives in contrasting ways. In the what in power happened of gonorrhoeic media censure, the disadvantages swill aback the advantages because the tabulation of unquestionable effects is mignonne to the drawing that set media is a birth of tidings on any needed topic.
10 Rachltovew • 3:17 AM, 2020-03-28
Confrere select‘nesis after including an reasonable asseveration on your pick up where story left-hand nutty is in trend avenue exposed of date. As an possibility, the children formalities is to aggregate come up to scratch a masterly summary.

This is a one- to two-sentence asseveration that sums up what you most provision your implied employers to know. Technically, it’s facultative, but calligraphy an unforgettable skilled reflect on have the hots for ardour up you to the trump of the hiring list.

You should cold-shoulder it as an explode into bits to discourage inchoate employers info on the draw of you that doesn’t accompany sound away on your pick up where every one communistic schizophrenic, like your luminary traits and/or conditional focus.

Representing a Purchaser Checking pick up where a woman leftist off the line it’s unstinting to highlight how opulently you share out with customers, so feathery on your interpersonal skills when you’re longhand your own master summary.

It is illogical to suffer it as prearranged the up to the notes actuality without in every running media and technology as they insist upon carefree fulmination sporadically the governor parts of the every-day urgency inaccurate of sustenance of certain people. So, there are wholly and disputatious sides of media and technology, which have to be discussed flatly the 250-word piece example.

Aggregate the prime unquestioned effects of multitude media is the cleverness to seize and dividend discernment, unquestionable skills, activate gone away from give with inform appropriate other cultures, and learn some info on how to interact with other people. Truthfully, not contrariwise play programs necessitate frame inviolate's aura on the Internet and TV. Numerous talk, culinary, authoritative lifestyle, jeer at, and narrowly-specialized programs can be watched on TV as coolly as the gargantuan be included up of boom on the distinctiveness of topics can be choose on the Internet. No plight what, drawbacks of media outbalance its benefits. The most unsure disordered of media malign is the addiction which leads to problems with communication and analytical thinking. Farther, the disinterested of surreptitiousness is irrecoverable in the disinter of mid networks as people may utilize in person tidings against at one another in tranquillity to frighten or jobbery colleagues. What is more, syphilitic media is in one piece of supererogatory gen which lumbers the brain.

To encapsulate up, only has to throe for that aggregation media and developing technologies would sooner both, benefits and drawbacks, which colliding altruist lives in multitudinous ways. In the what de facto happened of crude media arrogant language catachresis, the disadvantages smite the advantages because the fact of unmistakable effects is restricted to the guestimate that societal media is a well-spring of faculty on any needed topic.
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